Articles from the March 21, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Veterans remembered in AK Guard ceremony

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    The Alaska Army National Guard held a memorial service at the James and Elsie Nolan Center on Monday, March 18 to remember the Wrangellites that served in the Alaska Territorial Guard – and to present two flags in memory of our soldiers. Corporal Jeremy Goff and Specialist Serita Johnson comprised the Honor Guard and presented flags to veterans Arnold “Cappy” Bakke and Kjell Nore, Sr. Bakke received a flag on behalf of Wrangell’s American Legion Post No. 6, while Nore was presented with a flag...

  • EAS to continue for Wrangell, Petersburg through 2015

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    There will no change in Alaska Airlines’ status as the provider of Essential Air Service for Southeast Alaska communities after the U.S. Department of Transportation issued an order in February continuing the EAS through 2015 – and Alaska Airlines will retain the designation as the provider of the service. “On February 11, we issued an order re-selecting Alaska Airlines to provide Essential Air Service in five communities in Southeast Alaska,” said USDOT spokesperson Bill Moseley. “That o...

  • SEAPA reports highlight Tyee projects

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    During the March 5-6 meeting of the SEAPA Board of Directors, the reports of operations manager Steve Henson and special projects director Eric Wolfe highlighted a number of projects and new information related to the Tyee Lake Hydroelectric project. In Henson’s report he began with information on the Wrangell Reactor Replacement project at the powerhouse near Bradfield Canal. “The Wrangell Reactor replacement project management, engineering, and design have been awarded to Electric Power Systems, Inc. (EPS). Completion of the project has bee...

  • Police reports

    Mar 21, 2013

    Monday, March 11 - Caller reported hearing loud noises outside their home. Officer responded. - Report of theft. - Forest Service officer picked up injured bird. - Report of disturbance. Officer responded and one party left the residence for the night. Tuesday, March 12 - Traffic stop. Verbal warning given for faulty equipment. - Welfare check. Officers spoke with individual. - Vehicle broke down. Vehicle moved and officer gave owner a ride. Wednesday, March 13 - Traffic stop. Verbal warning given for faulty headlight and out-of-state license....

  • The Way We Were

    Mar 21, 2013

    March 27, 1913: Last Monday, March 24 was an anniversary uncelebrated of one of the warmer days in Wrangell's history. Seven years ago on that date a fire broke out in a rooming house and saloon owned by E.P. Lynch and J.G. Grant, present owners of Wrangell Hotel, a fire that is recalled with regret by the then owners of property from the wharf to the St. Michael Trading Company's store. Unlike a well-regulated fire, the origin of Wrangell's is not known to a certainty. It took an earthquake to set Frisco afire and the origin of Chicago's blaze...

  • Peggy's Corner of the House

    Peggy Wilson|Mar 21, 2013

    Hello and welcome back to Peggy’s Corner of the House! The House passed the state-operating budget after vigorous debate this past week. There has been tremendous work done on the budget since session started -many long days and nights have been spent trying to accomplish this in the very short time period that we are allotted. I actually wish we were back to a 120-day session. Over the last ten years, the General Fund (GF) portion of the departments’ operating budgets has grown an average of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 21, 2013

    Just read the latest on SEAPA, says some are mystified by why we would want them out. Okay I can help with that, with the publicly available dollar numbers that have been available to every person in Wrangell. Broken down to the basics, based upon population SEAPA in Wrangell costs each person almost $30.00 a month. Purchasing Thomas Bay would cost each person slightly more than $15.00 a month. This debt would be paid off in 20 years. SEAPA is an ongoing expense, with no expiration date, no pay off date. We are always in debt for maintaince...

  • Carving shed work begins on Front Street

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    Ground has been broken on a new carving shed for the Wrangell Cooperative Association on property adjacent to the SNO Building in downtown. The construction, under the direction of WCA project manager Todd White, began with grading and underground work and will progress over the coming months to include pouring a foundation, framing, and ultimate completion of the one-of-a-kind structure. According to White, the work will begin in earnest once warmer temperatures arrive and the snow gives way...

  • Nunez named Wells Fargo manager

    Mar 21, 2013

  • Haines turns back Wrangell 66-58

    Klas Stolpe|Mar 21, 2013

    Gold Medal B bracket runner-up Haines had their hands full with Wrangell on Monday. The Merchants could not put the Stikine River boys away as the Thunderbirds, playing their second game in as many days, overcame an early 8-3 Haines run and played to a 38-35 halftime advantage. The Thunderbirds hit seven triples in the half but only one in the second. The Merchants used a series of backdoor cuts if center Ben Egolf could not find post position but lost the battle on the boards in the second...

  • Softball season practice begins

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

  • 2013 Health Fair features new vitamin test

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    The 2013 Wrangell Medical Center Health Fair is scheduled for April 6 at the Nolan Center – and this year’s fair will include a new Vitamin D level test in addition to the normal Health Profile, Thyroid Screen, Prostate Screen and Hemoglobin A1C diabetes screens. For the past 19 years, WMC has sponsored the event – which has grown in size each year. Cathy Gross, WMC’s Director of Health Information Management, said the event is unique in Southeast Alaska. “Wrangell Medical Center sponsors...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Mar 21, 2013

    Halibut scientists plan to expand the yearly Pacific stock assessments by 30% next summer, adding 390 survey stations to the existing 1,300 already in use from Oregon to the Bering Sea. Since 1998 the halibut surveys, which occur from June through October, have been conducted in a depth range of 20 to 275 fathoms where most of the fishing was taking place. But that’s been changing in recent years, said Claude Dykstra, Survey Manager for the International Pacific Halibut Commission. “We’re seeing the catch coming out of the deeper areas, parti...

  • Chamber, Privett begin Fourth Royalty push

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    The push is on for the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce to find local residents who want to take part in the 2013 Fourth of July Royalty court. Chamber manager Cyni Waddington said she wants to see an increase in the more than $80,000 in sales from last year’s event. “This year we are beginning in March and we have eager candidates who are going to do awesome work for our community and our goal is to, hopefully, raise $100,000,” Waddington said. The official court contestants for 2013 are Jennifer L...

  • Murkowski introduces bipartisan hydro bill

    Mar 21, 2013

    U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski introduced the Hydropower Improvement Act of 2013 last week in Washington D.C. The bipartisan legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), James Risch (R-Idaho), Maria Cantwell (D-Washington), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Patty Murray (D-Washington), and Mark Begich (D-Alaska). The bill seeks to substantially increase the United States’ hydropower capacity in an effort to expand clean-power generation and spur domestic job creation. As the country’s largest source of renewable energy, hydropower allows us to avo...

  • Hannah's Place hosts open house

    Mar 21, 2013

    In May of 2011 a group of six local women from various age groups, backgrounds, experience and interest formed a steering committee to form what is now Hannah’s Place, Inc. It was agreed that there is a need in our community especially for young women, but not limited to just the young women, to have access to information, education and support when they are making difficult decisions about their future. In July of 2011 Hannah’s Place became a non-profit obtaining 501c3 status. For the next year many hours of research, paperwork and time bro...

  • Shamrock Shuffle Run-Walk raises money for Ferdinand expenses

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

  • Wrangell man accused of rare coin theft

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    A Wrangell man is facing felony theft charges after he allegedly stole a bag of silver dollars worth more than $1,000 from a private residence. Lynn Raymond Marks, 47, of Wrangell, is alleged to have stolen the classic coins from a residence at Panhandle Trailer Court on Feb. 5. According to court documents, Marks took 49 of the rare silver dollars to the Marine Bar where he is alleged to have purchased tobacco, traded them with other patrons of the bar and exchanged them for cash. The total value of the coins taken from the residence is...

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