Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Wrangell has recently gone through a major change of the WMC board of directors and our CEO was fired. I had a short opportunity to see him while he was moving his things out of his office. He seemed very depressed; I can’t blame him he has a family to care for and no means to provide now. It’s not over yet, why can’t it just stop. It seems now our care providers are getting it.

In the past few years I’ve gone through some major medical issues. Some very professional medical providers have seen me. I try to ask all the questions on the care they are providing, including the medications I am being treated with. Our doctors are very professional, I have nothing but positive results. I am and will say without a doubt that we have close to the best for the small town that we reside in. If our care providers are in doubt we have a choice to fly out to be seen by a specialist, after all they are physicians and very good at what they do well.

I would like to thank the entire staff at our clinic and hospital and to our past departing care providers. If things were different we would still have you here, thanks again.

Elmer Calstrom

To the Editor:

There is an initiative to reduce Wrangell’s sales tax. This will not benefit the community in the long run. All people and companies that do not live in Wrangell but conduct business/commerce in the borough of Wrangell pay 7% sales tax. This is outside money coming into Wrangell.

Wrangell residents would benefit more by reducing the borough’s property tax. Wrangell has a much higher property tax rate than most southeast communities of similar size. In fact, it has the highest rate of the communities listed below.

Wrangell 12.75 mils, Petersburg 10.25 mils, Haines 6.31 to 11.55 mils, Craig 6.0 mils, Skagway 6.0 mils, Sitka 6.0 mils, Ketchikan 9.9 mils, and Yakutat 10.0 mils.

The reduced sales tax will bring less outside money into the community and devastate an already fragile economy. I would like community members to consider supporting a reduction in property tax instead of a reduction of sales tax. 

Wilma E. Leslie

To the Editor:

A year ago, I had some of you call and ask about computer classes, I still have 12 of you on my list. Most of us want to know more about our own computers. The couple who were going to give the classes are moving out of state, so I am proposing that any of you who still want some help call the principal of Wrangell High School or see if the students who need to do community service before they graduate would consider taking over a person who needs computer help and go to their home for one or two hours a week and help them with knowing and using their own computers, with no cost to the seniors, however I am sure they would manage a tip.

At present I’m away for medical reasons and will be for perhaps another month. Please put me at the top of the list, Jeannie Lindley 254-3409.

I miss all my family and friends. Hope to see you soon.

Jeannie Lindley

To the Editor:

Former Governor Murkowski and I agree that Wrangell is a great place to have a home. We strongly differ, however, on Proposition 2, a measure on the ballot for the August 28 state election.

The Alaska Coastal Management Plan provides for local input into projects. Sure, this can take extra time and make things a bit more complicated, but it’s essential that the folks who live in an area have a say in how their area is managed. How would we feel here if the feds and state made decisions about a coastal development issue within our borough, disregarding local wisdom and experience?

People are receiving fliers and will see ads seeking to defeat Proposition 2. These are overwhelmingly funded by out of state and foreign corporations. They don’t want to have to deal with local opposition to proposed projects.

Proposition 2 came on the ballot as an initiative signed by thousands of Alaskans who were upset over the dismantling of the Alaska Coastal Management Plan and wanted it reinstated. Go to http://www.alaskacoastalmanagement.org for more information.

And please vote YES on support Proposition 2.

Alice Rooney


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