Police reports

Monday, May 27

- Caller reported porcupine in tree.

- Hazardous play reported.

- Misuse of 911 - Situation will be taken care of.

- Arrested Jonathan Gerald Annis, age 30, on charges of DUI, Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test and Resisting Arrest.

Tuesday, May 28

-Suspicious Circumstance - Officer responded and everything looks okay.

-Road debris reported - Construction company notified and crews are working on cleaning it up.

-Motor vehicle accident reported.

-Traffic stop -Verbal warning for improper display of tabs.

Wednesday, May 29

No police activity to report.

Thursday, May 30

-Parking complaint reported.

-Officer assisted someone with their vehicle and a ride.

-Report of drug paraphernalia.

Friday, May 31

-Officer responded to a domestic situation.

-Fire alarm reported.

-Caller reported hearing shots fired - Officers responded but did not hear anything in the area. Possibly ADOT clearing the birds from the airport area.

-Traffic Stop -Verbal warning given for faulty equipment.

Saturday, June 1

-Traffic Stop - Verbal warning for driving habits, expired tags, and faulty equipment, left taillight out.

Sunday, June 2

-Possible Criminal Mischief reported.

-Motor vehicle accident reported.

-Inmate check in - Mark Dyne, age 18, to serve time.

-Traffic Stop - Citation issued to Anthony Richards, age 26, for Failure to Show Proof of Insurance, verbal warning for faulty equipment and no taillights.

There were nine dog calls and five ambulance calls during the week.


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