The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

July 9, 1914: Wrangell will have a new lighting system by the middle of September is the information given out by Mr. O.C. Palmer of the Wrangell Electric Light and Power Co. Mr. Palmer has secured an additional franchise for ten years from the town and will place a large alternator in the plant of 75 K.V.A. The street lines under the new power will carry 2200 volts and the house wires will be for 110. The plant will be operated with the help of the engine that is now used and, in addition, two new 25 horsepower Fairbanks-Morris Type Y heavy oil engines. The company is getting their line of poles straightened up and getting ready for the change from direct to alternating current. That is only one of the many improvements that have been and are being made in Wrangell this summer.

July 7, 1939: Although chapter 80, “An act to protect the lives, health and morals of women workers in the Territory,” was passed by the legislature last spring as an emergency and in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval on March 9, the act did not hit Wrangell until last week and naturally its hitting produced much consternation and perplexity among employers and employees. “The welfare of the Territory of Alaska demands that its women workers be protected from the pernicious effects of inadequate wages on their lives, health and morals,” states the opening paragraph. Section 1 forbids the employment of any female person over the age of 18 at a weekly wage rate of less than $18.00 for a six day week of 48 hours.

July 10, 1964: A raise in the light and power rates plan was presented to the City Council at its meeting Tuesday night by Clayton Schmidt, assistant to the Mayor, who arrived here last week from Colorado to take over his new duties which, in effect, will be city manager. Schmidt said the plan which he is studying with Thor Hofstead, superintendent of the light plant, calls for a raise in minimum rates up to 100 kilowatts, raises for users outside the city and for users of electric hot water heaters. He said raises in commercial and industrial rates were not being considered at this time.

July 6, 1989: Wrangell Little League All Stars were announced June 29 at the organization’s annual banquet. The banquet brought to a close the regular season of Little League action. More than 130 players participated this year, an increase of more than 40 new members. Two new minor league teams were added, with expectations of another major and minor league team for next year. Also honored at the banquet was Bonnie Stutz. This year is the 50th anniversary of Little League, and research into the local organization’s history revealed Stutz has been an active participant since the league’s inception. Chosen to this year’s all-star team were Mike Barnes, Justin Davies, Robert Ivy, Casey Kenfield, Eric Lonergan, Jeff Neyman, Richard Owens, Bill Potter, Shane Privett, Shawn Rasler, Jason Rathke, Ian Reed, George Twedt and Kurt Young. The team will be coached by John Morse, manager of this year’s undefeated Braves. The 1989 all-star team will participate in the second “Tournament of Champions,” to be held July 27, 28 and 29 in Wrangell. The tournament was created by Wrangell and Petersburg last year and will be joined by Haines this year.


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