To the Editor:
I noticed in the news recently that a “transgender” boy was allowed to compete in Alaska’s Girls State Championship track meet. The individual got third. The girl who got fourth was upset when she found out a boy had taken her medal.
Apparently the Alaska State Athletic Association is allowing boys to compete in female events. If a district allows it then the State’s athletic program allows it. I
would like to know what the policy is in Wrangell. I would also like to know if this individual competed against our girls and if so, did we know it?
I think this is one area where
Reader Comments(1)
rebecca Christensen writes:
I think it's highly unfair to allow boys to compete with girls in most physical competitions. Even in the Olympics men and women are separated in events because, for the most part, men will be stronger and faster. They are built differently. Regardless of how this boy feels, he still has male parts, and the strength and speed of a male, thus giving him an advantage. Put this same boy in the male event and I can guarantee that he would not have placed third…especially if two females beat him.
07/23/2016, 8:28 pm This comment has been flagged