Letter to The Editor

To the Editor:

There were some things that need to be mentioned about the article “Rock Pit site selection at creek raises concerns” in the August 3, 2017 issue of the Wrangell Sentinel.

The volume of lead-stabilized soil that will be hauled is around 20 truckloads per day, not 30-40. The 30-40 truckloads per day includes both the lead-stabilized soil and the transport of clean rock to be used for the construction of chimney drains, as well as base and cover fill, and which would come from another local quarry.

Transport of clean rock was proposed to begin last week, but polluted soil would not be transported for at least another three weeks.

We began working with the City more than a year ago to find a location for this material. This site was chosen based on recommendations by the City of Wrangell, City council members, and input from EPA, DEC, and DNR and EPA’s and DEC’s contractors. Contrary to the article, it was not selected by BW Enterprises.

Comment: The state-owned, inactive rock pit is not pristine; it has served an industrial use as a rock pit for many years.

Comment: The headline is misleading because it implies the selected site is at or upon a creek (waterbody). This is not the case.

Candice Bressler, Public Information Officer

Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation


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