OUR GOAL: Only 80-inches of additional ad space per week

Just eight years ago the Wrangell Sentinel published 648 pages for the year. By 2019 that number dropped by 100 pages to 548 pages. We certainly didn’t have any less news to print. The reason for the drop in page count was from retailers opting to not make use of the Wrangell Sentinel’s advertising services.

The Wrangell Sentinel has many ways for businesses to promote themselves. Even during tougher economic times, there are still benefits to keeping in touch with the people patronizing your business.

SPONSOR PAGES: These pages promote community events and schedules of those events. Graduation, 4th of July, Memorial Day, WHS sports and school activities are promoted 9-10 times each year. It’s a popular way to support Wrangell activities.

FLIERS: Grocery stores, hardware stores and building suppliers often insert multi-page color preprinted fliers into newspapers. We get the fliers into the homes of our readers, because readers never throw the Sentinel away in the post office trash bin.

ROP (RUN OF PRESS) ADVERTISING: Individual ads are professionally designed and placed on the pages of the paper. These ads also appear in the online version of the paper in the form of PDF pages. Cost of the ads is based on the amount of space used, for instance, a two-column inch display ad costs only $24/week.

When name-brand items are advertised, manufacturing companies often pay for all or a portion of the ad cost in the form of Co Op Advertising.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: The most economical way to advertise in the Sentinel.

The options above are some of the ways businesses can use the Sentinel to increase sales within the community. Since shoppers don’t get downtown every day, the newspaper is a good way for them to keep up with new sale items in stores.

Since our goal is to publish more 12-page papers each year, we’re seeking to publish twi additional pages of advertising in about 25 of those papers.

That calculation means the Wrangell Sentinel is seeking to print an additional 80 col. inches of advertising each week in the upcoming year.

It’s an achievable goal.

If yours is a business that used to advertise in the Sentinel and has discontinued or reduced the size or frequency of the ads, we’d like to welcome you back. We offer ad contracts for discounted pricing based on the frequency and size of ad space used. We have pricing to fit all sizes of businesses.

Some businesses that used to advertise in this paper are restaurants, fuel suppliers, marine dealerships, lodges, B&Bs, auto repair shops and realty companies. We hope these and others will see the value of keeping this newspaper viable.

The Sentinel provides saturation coverage of your market area. Put us to work today in both print and online.


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