FROM THE PUBLISHER: It's up to Congress to do better

It was depressingly sad to watch the scenes in the Capitol last week as destructive rioters took over the historic building, furious at the outcome of the presidential election.

I have been in the Capitol, as have many Alaskans - for meetings and on tours - and have enjoyed the annual Memorial Day and Fourth of July concerts on the Capitol lawn. I have stood and watched orderly protests, and felt good that the building is so accessible to the public. The Capitol is a monument to laws, not lawlessness. It should be a source of pride, not anger.

Sadly, that changed on Jan. 6. The world changed f...


Reader Comments(1)

Guadalupe Rogers writes:

Lisa Murkowski is starting her 19th year in the Senate. Sen. Murkowski no longer represents the Republicans and has become an embarrassment to our country.