Head Start helps feed kids each week

While they have not been able to meet in person due to the pandemic, the Head Start preschool program is still working to make sure Wrangell's kids get the help they need. Besides hosting their program virtually, Head Start has been putting together food boxes since November.

"The parents are pretty happy with it,"said Sandy Churchill, with Head Start. "Plus, it's a good way to stay in contact with our parents."

Head Start pus together food boxes for 15 kids each week, Churchill said. They started using their program's lunch funding for the boxes, as they were no longer providing in-class meals for kids. Every Monday, she and other Head Start workers prepare boxes for breakfasts and lunches, which families can pick up throughout the day.

The boxes are intended to provide meals Tuesday through Friday, and typically include cereal, milk and fruit. The lunches are packaged separately.

Churchill said Head Start is planning to continue the food box program until late May. The program intends to return to in-person classes for the next school year, with a full classroom and extended seven-hour days, Tuesday through Friday.

Enrollment is open to all children. More information about the program and applications, go to http://ccthita-nsn.gov/services/family/headstart/.


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