Candidate filing open for borough election

Candidacy filing is open for the municipal election, with nine seats on the ballot for borough assembly, port commission and school board — three seats each.

The filing deadline is Aug. 31. The declaration of candidacy form is available weekdays at the borough clerk’s office at city hall.

Candidates also need to submit a petition signed by at least 10 qualified voters in Wrangell.

The assembly seats held by Terry Courson, David Powell and Bob Dalrymple will be on the Oct. 5 ballot, as will the port commission seats of Frank Roppel, Brian Merritt and John Martin, and school board members Patty Gilbert, Aaron Angerman and Cyni Crary.

Two of the terms for the borough assembly are for three years, and one is for one year. Voters will choose two three-year terms and one one-year term each for the port commission and school board.


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