Interior secretary should let ANWR leases proceed

Letters to the editor

As a former governor of Alaska (2002-2006) and a U.S. senator (1980-2002), I am appalled at the secretary of the Department of the Interior’s cavalier action challenging the legitimacy of recent sales of leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

I must remind the secretary that the sale was advertised and consummated with payment made by the state-owned Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority and accepted by the U.S. government. Any attempt to void the sale will be seen as a taking, and litigation will result in substantial damages. The ANWR lease sale has met the terms of contract sanctity.

I would remind the secretary that it is contrary to our nation’s security interests to have to look to OPEC for our oil needs when we have more than 50 years of proven production capability from Alaska.

Frank Murkowski


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