Heritage Harbor boat ramp will close for 3 weeks

The Heritage Harbor boat launch ramp will close for a few weeks in August under a plan to replace the deteriorated asphalt apron with concrete paving.

The 2-inch-thick asphalt is more than 10 years old and in bad shape, Amber Al-Haddad, borough capital facilities director, said last week.

“We’ve set aside the first two weeks of August with the contractor” to dig out the approach to the ramp and lay down a 6-inch-thick concrete apron, she said. Another week for the concrete to cure and the ramp should be back open to the public, Al-Haddad said.

The borough assembly on June 28 approved a $43,260 contract with Johnson Construction & Supply for the work to replace the 40-foot-by-60-foot apron.

Without an asphalt plant in town, the surface will be replaced with concrete, “which is expected to provide a longer lasting surfacing,” Al-Haddad reported in her funding request to the assembly.

While the Heritage Harbor ramp is closed next month, boat owners can use the borough’s two other launch ramps at the Inner Harbor, off Case Avenue near the power plant, and at Shoemaker Bay.

Heritage is probably the most heavily used of the three ramps, Al-Haddad said.


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