The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

July 31, 1913: Max Rosenburg, who has conducted the Bismark Restaurant in Ketchikan for some time, has sold his place of business to James Petersen, a recent comer from Seattle. Mr. Petersen is an experienced restaurant man and will make some changes in the Bismark. Max has decided to cast his lot with Wrangell and today has opened up his new grill to be known as the Bismark Café and Lunch Room.

July 29, 1938: An occasion so unusual that it can never be repeated here occurred early last Tuesday morning aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Princess Alice when A.W.H. Smith of the Barrington Transportation company was presented with the Military Cross awarded him in the World War. The presentation, a complete surprise at this time to Mr. Smith, was made at 4:30 in the morning by Mrs. George Black, member of the House of Commons from the Yukon Territory, with Mr. Black, was enroute to Dawson, Y.T. Mrs. Black made a beautiful and touching presentation speech and presented the cross in true military fashion “in the name of the King.” Mrs. Smith enlisted in the World War from the Yukon Territory, in the Canadian Railroad Troups No. 10, and left Dawson with the Governor Black contingent. He was awarded the Military Cross for distinguished service overseas. A lieutenant at the time, he rose to the rank of captain before the end of the war. He was twice wounded.

July 26, 1963: The City Council Tuesday evening, by resolution, unanimously approved the filing of an application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for the planning monies to construct an eight-room school building in the area of the City Park reserve east of the new through road near the former site of the firing range. Lynn Forrest, Juneau architect, in discussing the proposed new school with the Council and members of the School Board estimated the cost of the one-story building at $400,000.

July 28, 1988: The Wrangell City Council has agreed to spend $33,066 to upgrade the old cemetery. Public Works Superintendent Ken Davidson set the price tag on the job after members of the Cemetery Committee asked the council to begin immediately to repair and spruce up the cemetery. Members of the committee- Lynne Campbell, Barbara Angerman and Carol Elliott- maintained the cemetery is in danger of disintegrating because of a lack of maintenance and said a part of the community's history will be lost if that occurs. Davidson said it would take three people at least three months to do the job the committee wants. Salary and fringe benefit costs would run $20,616 for the three months, he said. Topsoil to improve the grounds would cost about $10,800, he said, while a large grass and mulch vacuum would be required at a price of $1,350. The estimate did not include any equipment costs, such as use of loaders, backhoes and trucks. Although the council voted unanimously to approve the expenditure, some members said they wanted to see the council move ahead with planning for all future capital projects, not just those for the cemetery.


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