Letters to the Editor

Summer camp focused on learning about virtues

The six-day Virtues Summer Camp held at the Community Center has come to a close, with 14 children participating locally. New ideas were explored in one-hour Zoom meetings as the group in Wrangell interacted with children in Palmer, Willow, Nenana, Valdez, Anchorage and Juneau.

The dedicated efforts of more than 20 adults statewide helped make this a success.

The afternoon in-person sessions included an outdoor break, light lunch, music, games and art activities.

Two junior youth, Silje Morse and Natalia Ashton, assisted in various ways and served as positive role models. We saw clearly how the younger children look up to these older ones who have their interest at heart.

Each day, a visual display of objects was arranged to help focus on the virtue for that session. Indigenous values and ways of knowing were illustrated and celebrated in a unique way for each lesson. Each day ended with the campers putting a "log" made of a cardboard tube and colorful tissue paper, on a "campfire," symbolically lighting the world with love.

The program helped participants learn in concrete ways how to express beauty, speech, moderation, unity, love and wonder. A huge thank you goes out to the parents and their children, who enriched the program with their presence and wholehearted participation.

There are many more virtues to be discovered. In pre-COVID days, in-person children's classes were sponsored by the Baha'is in Wrangell as an afterschool activity, open to all. Additional efforts will be made to create a space for this to happen again for elementary age students, once school is in session.

Yours for a better world.

Kay Larson, Karen Morse,

Vickie Buness-Taylor

Vaccinations are about our health, not politics

I would like to encourage all residents of Wrangell

who aren't vaccinated to

get vaccinated as soon as possible. The goal for our community should be 100% for all adults.

There is no doubt that I am a conservative, but I am vaccinated and you should be too. Getting the shot or shots does not make you a rollover for the left - after all, we can't vote them out if we are dead.

This makes sense, and is no different than smallpox or measles shots. This isn't about right or left, it is about protecting ourselves from the world threat from China.

I'm just caring about all of us.

Bill Privett


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