Kingdom Worship Conference coming to town next month

It took several years after Abigail Armstrong first had the idea, but a three-day conference to train musicians, artists and others in sharing and spreading a religious message is planned for Feb. 3-5 in Wrangell.

“It’s a Southeast-wide conference,” she said.

Actually, it reaches farther than that. About 10 Hawaiians are coming to town to help lead the sessions, Armstrong said last week.

She met the Hawaiian teachers at a 2021 conference of the University of the Nations’ Youth with a Mission, which started Armstrong’s planning work to bring the program to Wrangell — though she first had the idea in 2018 of organizing a similar training event.

The teachers will lead sessions in using music, songwriting, art and other activities to help spread the word of God.

“Our heart is to bring training to local worship leaders, musicians, singers and producers who are fueled by a passion for Jesus as the first priority in their lives,” the event’s promotional material explains.

The Kingdom Worship Conference will be held at Harbor Light Church. Advance registration is $65; the fee will increase to $75 on Feb. 3.

People can register online at, or call 907-470-4070 for more information.


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