(204) stories found containing 'kstk'

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  • Classified ads

    Jan 29, 2025

    PIANO TUNING Piano tuner from Corvine Piano Care plans a March visit if there are enough pianos to be serviced. Contact Alice Rooney at 907-305-0007 to be put on the work list. FUNDRAISER Fundraiser for Tasha Toombs Peterman. Hand-woven cedar bark hat by Clara Haily. Tickets are on sale through Feb. 13. Sellers are Clara Haley Fern Seimears and Lynn Allen, at Raymes. Call Clara at 907-305-0874. HOME FOR SALE Spacious 2-bedroom, 1½-bathroom, fully furnished 1,695-square-foot home near the airport, with 1-car garage, RV parking, gated backyard,... Full story

  • Classified ads

    Jan 22, 2025

    PIANO TUNING Piano tuner from Corvine Piano Carew plans a March visit if there are enough pianos to be serviced. Contact Alice Rooney at 907-305-0007 to be put on the work list. HOME FOR SALE Spacious 2-bedroom, 1½-bathroom, fully furnished 1,695-square-foot home near the airport, with 1-car garage, RV parking, gated backyard, handicap-accessible ramp. Lot size is 7,485 square feet. $450K Call 907-874-3783. JOB ANNOUCEMENT Superior Marine Services, a shipyard in Wrangell, is looking for a full-time experienced Bookkeeper/Office Manager.... Full story

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 15, 2025

    Jan. 15, 1925 The Wrangell Commercial Club has had an excellent map of the Cassiar region in British Columbia prepared which is just off the press. The map is 17 inches by 19 inches and is designed to be of special benefit to those interested in the Eagle Creek District where the gold discovery was made last September. All the various cabins along the Stikine River between Wrangell and Telegraph Creek, B.C., are shown. This together with other special features enable the prospective winter traveler on the Stikine to learn just what he wants to...

  • Classified ads

    Jan 15, 2025

    PIANO TUNING Piano tuner from Corvine Piano Carew plans a March visit if there are enough pianos to be serviced. Contact Alice Rooney at 907-305-0007 to be put on the work list. HELP WANTED KSTK is seeking a Development Director. Responsible for securing financial support for KSTK, planning and executing KSTK events. Part-time, hourly. Send resume and letter of interest to apply@kstk.org. HELP WANTED Johnson’s Building Supply is accepting applications for the following position: Customer Service. Duties include counter sales, freight h... Full story

  • Fundraising takes the place of taxes to provide services

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 8, 2025

    Wrangell, like much of Alaska and the country, relies on fundraising for all sorts of good causes. Many of those causes look pretty similar to public services that are covered by taxes. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something that elected officials and the public should keep in mind as they increasingly talk about cutting government spending and relying on donors to pick up the tab. In Wrangell’s case, the borough assembly decision last year to reduce financial support for the Senior Center, school district and public radio sta... Full story

  • Community calendar

    Oct 23, 2024

    SALVATION ARMY Christmas toy assistance sign-up is open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays until Nov. 5. Bring identification for all adults and birth certificates for children in the home. Thanksgiving sign-up is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays until Nov. 12. Sign up at The Salvation Army. For more information or to schedule sign-ups for another day or time call 907-874-3753. COMMUNITY CHORALE REHEARSALS 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Mondays at the high school music room for the Christmas concert. Use the back entrance. All singers are welcome. Contact... Full story

  • Community calendar

    Oct 16, 2024

    COMMUNITY CHORALE REHEARSALS 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at the high school music room for the Christmas concert. Use the back entrance. All singers are welcome. Regular rehearsals will be on Mondays starting the following week. Contact Bonnie at 907-796-9632 or bonniede@aptalaska.net for more information. FALL STORYTIME for children 10 to 11 a.m. Fridays at the Irene Ingle Public Library. Stories, crafts and snacks. This week’s theme is Alaska Day, the anniversary of the transfer of the territory of Alaska from Russia to the United S... Full story

  • School board and advisory committee settle differences over policy

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 16, 2024

    The debate between the school board and the School Advisory Committee (SAC) ended how many bureaucratic disputes end: in a compromise. On Oct. 7, the school board unanimously voted to adopt revisions to Board Policy 1220, which serves as the governing document for the secondary schools’ advisory committee. This policy, which also dictates the committee’s access to the school board, was the epicenter of a lingering dispute between the two parties. According to committee members, their recommendations to the school board often went unanswered by...

  • Wrangell birthday calendar is coming back; listings due Saturday

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 9, 2024

    The Wrangell birthday calendar is reborn for 2025. After a one-year hiatus the chamber of commerce — under new leadership from executive director Tracey Martin — is bringing back the printed birthday calendar, which had been a community tradition since the 1950s until it was dropped for 2024. It costs just $1 to reserve a date on the calendar. Anyone can reserve a listing for a birthday, anniversary or to memorialize someone’s passing. Families do not need to pay more than $15 for listings, meaning that if a family wants to reserve 20 or 30 spo...

  • Borough decks the halls for pre-holiday tree celebration

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 2, 2024

    “I’m picturing a fall Fourth of July,” Borough Manager Mason Villarma told staff during a planning meeting for the event. Last week, the borough released the schedule of events surrounding the harvest of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree, also known as “The People’s Tree.” Festivities will begin on Friday, Oct. 25, and will continue for three days over the weekend. The borough, the Nolan Center, chamber of commerce, U.S. Forest Service and many local businesses all are helping to organize the weekend’s activities. The tree, which comes from a...

  • Four-way stop aims to improve pedestrian safety near schools

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 25, 2024

    Borough Manager Mason Villarma stopped his truck at the top of St. Michaels Street when a car driving down Church Street whizzed by him going 40 miles per hour - 15 mph over the speed limit - in a school zone, nonetheless. "We need to slow things down here," Villarma thought to himself this summer. In response, he reached out to other borough officials to see what could be done. The result is a four-way stop at the intersection of St. Michaels and Church streets, next to the Stikine Middle...

  • Murkowski visit officially opens new Anan Bay cabin

    KSTK|Aug 28, 2024

    It's not often the U.S. Forest Service gets to open up a new public-use cabin in Southeast, and they had a special visitor to cut the ribbon: U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Alaska's senior senator participated in the event Aug. 19 at the Anan Bay cabin. After a tree fell in February 2023, crushing the cabin, the Forest Service decided it would use the need to replace the structure as an opportunity to give it some upgrades as well. The new red cedar cabin boasts a large, covered deck in addition to...

  • Southeast senior centers struggle to serve more with less

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 7, 2024

    The 10 senior centers operated by Catholic Community Service in Southeast Alaska are serving about 50% more meals than they provided before the pandemic hit in 2020. However, tightened budgets and reduced staffing are making it difficult. Meals counts spiked during the pandemic as seniors stayed home and depended on delivered lunches but, unexpectedly, demand for meals on wheels has not declined much since COVID restrictions were lifted in communities, said Erin Walker-Tolles, executive director of the Juneau-based nonprofit. The numbers of...

  • Community Calendar

    Jul 24, 2024

    WRANGELL SCHOOL BOARD special school board meeting 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 25, at Evergreen Elementary School Room 101. Agenda: superintendent’s evaluation. LEARN TO LINE DANCE 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays from July 30 to Aug. 27 at the community center multi-purpose room with Isabella Crowley. For ages 18 years old and up. Entry fee is by donation. BEARFEST Wednesday through Sunday, July 24-28. An event dedicated to bears and their surroundings. Enjoy symposiums, cultural events, art and photo workshops, fine dining, a marathon and much m... Full story

  • Canoe journey to Celebration was about personal healing too

    Becca Clark and Colette Czarnecki, Wrangell Sentinel and KSTK|Jul 17, 2024

    When paddlers from around Southeast departed from Wrangell in canoes toward Juneau, they had not just a physical journey ahead of them, but a journey of personal healing too. They were heading to Juneau for Celebration, the biennial festival that honors Southeast Alaska Native culture and heritage. The week-long journey May 29 to June 4 was a time for many of the close to 70 people aboard six canoes to reflect on life and to heal from past traumas. "We're in this gorgeous bay, with the glacier... Full story

  • Fourth of July produces long list of winners

    Sentinel staff|Jul 10, 2024

    Three lucky ticket holders came away as winners in the Fourth of July royalty fundraising raffle. Wrangell residents Shannon Smith won the $2,500 first place prize and Marilyn Mork won $1,500 for second place in the drawing. Third place of $1,000 went to former resident Mickel Haug, now living in Seattle. The Sentinel is compiling lists of the other winners of Fourth of July events, supplied by the competition organizers. This week's list includes the winners' names that were submitted to the...

  • Assembly postpones decision on police staffing level

    Becca Clark, Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 3, 2024

    The assembly’s June 25 meeting produced the largest turnout of community members at a meeting all year for the public hearing on the budget for the fiscal year that started July 1. The budget item that drew the most public testimony was the proposed layoffs at the police department, which had been in the draft budget prepared by the borough manager. Though the budget, as approved by the assembly, lacks enough money to fund the entire police force for the full fiscal year, there will be no change in staffing levels for a few months and the assem...

  • Assembly may stop donations to radio, chamber, senior center

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 12, 2024

    In addition to focusing on big-dollar issues, assembly members at last week’s budget work session discussed a collective $50,000 question: Whether the borough should contribute money to KSTK radio, the chamber of commerce and the senior center. The issue of improving playgrounds also came up toward the end of the meeting. Unlike recent years when the borough assembly appropriated cash for the radio station, chamber and senior center, the draft budget for the fiscal year that starts July 1 does not include any such direct payments. Borough M...

  • WCA hires Ed Caum as tourism coordinator

    Becca Clark, Wrangell Sentinel|May 22, 2024

    Cruise ships have started to make their appearances at the City Dock, and the Wrangell Cooperative Association has geared up for the season by hiring Ed Caum as tourism coordinator. Caum, known by some in town as "Fast Eddy" from his rock and roll radio shows on KSTK in the '70s, started the position at the beginning of May. The tourism branch of WCA is set up to grow exponentially, Caum said. Economic development and bringing new money into town are two of his goals. He emphasized that the...

  • Community Calendar

    Apr 24, 2024

    KSTK SPRING ON-AIR FUNDRAISER ends Friday, April 26. Help KSTK raise $21,000 for broadcast services. All donors are invited to KSTK Friday evening, April 26, for the spring grill-out, with burgers, hotdogs, side dishes and beverages. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT will host a pre-season tourism stakeholder meeting at 9 a.m. Thursday, April 25, at City Hall. The meeting is intended for businesses and organizations that provide services to the tourism industry. For those unable to attend in person, a Zoom link is available. h... Full story

  • Community Calendar

    Apr 17, 2024

    NOLAN CENTER THEATER “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,” rated PG-13, at 6 p.m. Friday, April 19, 6 p.m Saturday, April 20, and at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 21. The adventure comedy fantasy runs 1 hour and 55 minutes; tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for children under age 12. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. WRANGELL COMMUNITY CLEANUP 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 20, starting at the Evergreen Elementary gym. Trash bags will be provided. Cash prizes for trash volunteers. Lunch will be served at noon. FOREST SERVICE WORKSHOP 3 to 6 p.m...

  • Brian Hernando Fennimore dies at 53

    Apr 17, 2024

    Brian Hernando Fennimore, 53, passed away on March 14, 2024, in Wrangell after suffering from brain cancer. Brian was born on June 16, 1970, in Seattle. He grew up in Wrangell and was a 1988 graduate of Wrangell High School. After graduating from high school, Brian attended Clover Park Technical School in Tacoma, Washington; Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon; and Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. Brian studied video/audio production at KTOO in Juneau and KTVA in Anchorage. Brian's... Full story

  • Community calendar

    Apr 10, 2024

    FEDERAL DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Friday, April 12, at the Nolan Center for Wrangell residents affected by the Nov. 20 landslides. Residents can register for federal assistance, check the status of their application, learn about disaster assistance programs, meet with a federal Small Business Administration representative, and obtain additional information and resources about protecting themselves and their property from future disasters. Apply by calling Alaska Helpline at 866-342-1699 or visit www.disasterassistan... Full story

  • Community Calendar

    Apr 3, 2024

    BRAVE is hosting the I Toowú Klatseen (Strengthen Your Spirit) program from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through May 9, at the community center. The empowering, confidence-building program for grades 3-5 incorporates Southeast Alaska values, running and a sense of community to help kids learn what it means to strengthen their spirit. Free, for kids of all cultures, physical abilities and backgrounds. Participants will be provided with healthy snacks, running shoes, an ITK T-shirt and a water bottle. Register online at... Full story

  • Chili cook-off promises to warm springtime appetites

    Becca Clark, Wrangell Sentinel|Apr 3, 2024

    Get out your crockpots, The Salvation Army is hosting a chili cook-off April 13 at the Nolan Center from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Anyone is welcome to register to compete with their favorite chili recipe. Chilis will be tasted by three judges and members of the community. The judge’s favorite and the community favorite will each win a cash prize, said Capt. Chase Green of The Salvation Army, though the amount hasn’t been determined yet. If you’re not competing, be sure to arrive to the event hungry. Community members will vote for their top three...

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