Progress made on Mariners' Memorial walls

Groundwork for the Wrangell Mariners' Memorial has come to a halt for winter, but progress has still been made recently. Jenn Miller-Yancey, with the Mariners' Memorial board, reported that work is being done for the memorial's walls, where plaques will one day be hung to commemorate Wrangell sailors who have passed away.

"There will be four walls within the memorial, three walls meant to hold plaques that are 26 feet long, curved and vary in height from 42 inches to 8 feet," Miller-Yancey wrote in an email. "There will be 1 wall at the entrance to identify the sponsors, this wall will be approximately half the size of the walls meant to hold plaques."

Don Sorry of Superior Marine is working to fabricate the walls, which will be made of steel, Miller-Yancey said in her email. All of the steel was cut and formed in Seattle, then shipped to Wrangell via AML as part of their in-kind donation. Once the walls are fitted to the cement foundations, already in place at the memorial, they will be taken off-site for welding and painting. Afterwards, the walls will be put back on the foundations and bolted down.

As progress on the walls is being made, Miller-Yancey said that progress is also being made on plans and applications for the plaques. They hope to have applications ready for distribution in early 2021. Plaques will be applied for, approved, and produced at set times throughout the calendar year, however those times are yet to be determined.

"In order to complete this phase of the memorial, there is a need for about $25,000 to get all of the walls to completion," her email reads. "Wrangell Mariners' Memorial Board will be entertaining possible fundraisers for the near future. The website is still available for purchase of memberships ... Donor levels are also listed and payments can be made through the website or to any board member in person."

Miller-Yancey also wrote that the board is seeking volunteers that would like to serve on a "Friends of the Wrangell Mariners' Memorial Committee" to assist with fundraising, as well as future groundskeeping for the memorial. Miller-Yancey can be reached at, or (907) 305-0926.


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