The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Aug. 16, 1923

The freighter Cordova called here the first week of August to take on a shipment of 115,000 feet of clear spruce which is consigned to London, England. The lumber will be transshipped from Puget Sound to the East Coast and from there across the Atlantic to England. The fact that the Wilson and Sylvester mill of Wrangell is constantly filling repeat orders from England speaks volumes for the quality of Alaska spruce.

Aug. 13, 1948

Telephone service between Wrangell and continental United States was inaugurated last week, with many calls being put through by local citizens. Sgt. Sam Pickerin, in charge of the local U.S. Signal Corps office, reports that the new commercial service is being well patronized. Charges between Wrangell and Seattle, including all northwest states, are $4.50 for the first three minutes and $1.50 for each additional minute. Between Washington, D.C., and Wrangell, the cost is $7.50 for the first three minutes and $2.50 for each additional minute. Across the continent to New York, the charge is $7.50 for three minutes and $2.50 for each additional minute. If you have a friend in our sister territory of Hawaii, you can talk to him for $10.50 for three minutes and $3.50 for each additional minute.

Aug. 17, 1973

The meat shortage may intensify in Wrangell within the next two weeks, according to reports from three local markets. Al Benjamin, butcher for Benjamin’s Supermaket, said he expects a cutback on meat orders from wholesalers sometime in the next 14 days. The market already is experiencing difficulty in obtaining special orders for whole sides of beef. City Market anticipates a shortage by next week on all of its beef, luncheon meat and sausage items. The market’s wholesale distributor has said City Market meat orders may have to be cut by 10 to 50 percent in the near future. Zimovia Market reports that a large meat order had not arrived and that they were concerned about the delay. The stores report no shortage of pork and lamb products but noted that the cost of meat is becoming high. Spokesmen at the markets expressed the belief that the meat shortage will last until Sept. 12, when the federal price freeze is lifted. When the ceiling is off, however, prices are expected to soar as much as a dollar a pound for retail meat items.

Aug. 13, 1998

The city council met Tuesday evening and Councilman Angerman said that after looking at the hospital board meeting minutes it appeared that they are again headed for financial trouble and he thinks it looks pretty serious. “I don’t know how the taxpayers can pick up a million or whatever it takes every year, and the city can’t pick up that kind of burden.” He suggested the council meet with the board and see what they expect of the city, and start the communication soon. He noted that perhaps raising rates would help the hospital’s revenue some, but to what extent is not known. The hospital statement noted a loss of over $1 million this past fiscal year and an actual cash loss of over $600,000. A meeting date with the board is to be arranged.


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